Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Somedays you're the windshield, somedays you're the bug...

Progress IS being made in the laundry room.
With two men and four hands progress is slow, but progress none the less.

Tuesday there was a light frost here in Violet, LA., but as the sun brightened the morning the air warmed to match the clear blue skies.

We arrived at Mrs. H's house on Pauger St. to spray for black mold. It is a simple process. A one gallon bug sprayer is filled with water and a hospital grade cleaner/freshener/antibacterial/anti fungal solution. You spray the mix on all wood surfaces.
Louis and I donned our white tyvek suits, goggles and gloves and were finished by 10am. We made our way to Mrs. P's house on Law St. and Louis set up the tile saw and changed the blade. I ran to the local Lowes to have a key made and came back. Louis was still struggling with the "cheap" tile saw. The new blade would not remount to the arbor straight so tiles were breaking and chipping.
I attempted to clean the nail gun that had quick working on Monday afternoon. So, for the next two hours Louis and I both struggled with getting our mechanical devices to cooperate with us. Louis was finally able to get the saw to cut somewhat straight.

Mr. John Washington the HVAC contractor for Mrs. H's stopped by for the key and we had a wonderful conversation. Remember this, God's kids are everywhere.

Mrs. H called, this time she was not frustrated or worried about her house. She just needed someone to listen and pray. Louis and I have have become accustomed to doing much of both during our time here. There is much need, much discouragement, much frustration, all we can do most times is pray.

I disassembled my nail gun three times and cleaned it twice just to make sure I had not forgotten a step. The gun now cycles smoothly, but will not fire. After 21/2 hours my conclusion is that me nail gun is broken. I hope to locate the Paslode repair shop today.

By 2pm, the frustration level had reached its apex and I realized it was just not going to be a productive day. The sisters fixed a wonderful lunch which we enjoyed.

You need to pray for their family. On Monday afternoon their 23 year old nephew from FL took his own life. They were dealing with grief, but they found the strength to cook our lunch. These are remarkable ladies of faith!

We packed up the tools and left early. We were back at the volunteer village by 4:30pm. That has been early for our work day.

The story of Mrs. Phenix is featured in the newsletter of Forward Edge. Take a look and read her story.

1 comment:

  1. Jimmy,

    I can see how God is using you and Louis to minister to these ladies; and they to you. This is a perfect picture of the church looking outwards.

    Please give them our sympathy and let them know TCS is praying for them, and you.

    I guess in the scheme of things, a broken nail gun just doesn't compare to a lost loved one. You guys are doing the Church proud, and in the process you're making the Father proud.

