Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Big paintings = God's kingdom on earth, touching people, where they live and work and play...

Dan Nelson started the painting above at 12 noon May 17. He set-up his giant easel as a part of Artplosure 2008.

This is the same painting at 3pm Sunday, May 18. Dan finished the painting at 6pm Sunday evening, the painting was then sold to the high bidder of a silent auction that went on while he painted. At 3pm, the price was around $550.00.

Dan is an artist. He paints big. He paints small. He illustrates books.
He paints portraiture. He draws on sidewalks with chalk. He draws/paints architecture. He draws cartoons. Dan plays several instruments. Dan sings. Dan writes music. Dan is an artist.

Dan is also a pastor. Dan planted and lead a church for several years. They would meet on Saturday in Moore Square in Raleigh, NC. They would make music and eat food together, inviting any and all in the park to join along. On weekends, Dan would set-up his giant easel and paint and talk to people as they passed by. Dan met many people and a church grew. Dan painted and pastored for several years, then decided to move the church to a home church. After five years of home church, Dan spends his Sundays painting all over the area. After many years of church, Dan is now part of the fastest growing Christian community in North America. Dan is one of the many Christians who is no longer a member of a church. Most Sundays he never even attends a church.

Dan is an artist, a musician and probably a better pastor now than he ever was when he was pastoring/attending a church.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I especially like the photo of the brushes. Well captured. Great painting too. Looks like Dan is fully using all of his gifts - we should all strive to be like him.

