Sunday, March 09, 2008

Haagen Dazs does the bees...

Let me tell you this. The honey bee population of USAmerica is sick.
Without honey bees our vegetable and fruit outlook gets very slim.
You will have mushrooms, bananas, potatoes and tomatoes. Those four species self pollinate or are pollinated by the bumble bee. That means, that if your want to eat more than these four things plus grain, you better start praying for the bees and supporting your local bee keeper by buying local sustainable honey and hive products.

I also want you to load your freezer with Haagen-Dazs ice cream. This producer of premium ice cream understands that with no honey bees, they will be out of business. They know that if fresh strawberries are $10.00/lb wholesale, no one could afford a pint of there treat. As a responsible corporate partner, they have donated $250,000.00 to honey bee research. They have promised more and are encouraging more companies to do the same. Visit their website and send them a thank you. You also need to check out there new campaign because, Haagen-Dazs loves the honey bees.

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