Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What's your theological worldview

Following up on a post last week. This week we ask, "What is your theological worldview?" All of last weeks participants are encouraged to play, along with any new readers or folks who just happen by.

Here are my results:



Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan


Neo orthodox


Modern Liberal


Reformed Evangelical




Classical Liberal


Roman Catholic




What's your theological worldview?

(HT: Mike Morrell)


  1. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Hi Jimmy,

    Here are my predestined results:

    Reformed Evangelical: 93%
    Neo Orthodox: 89%
    Fundamentalist: 71%


  2. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Considering that in my results last week I turned out to be a clutz, I was pleased that this week I am Emergent/Postmodern at 89%

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Reformed Evangelical 89%
    Charismatic/ Pentecostal 79%
    Fundamentalist 79%

    ... who knew that under this loving semi normal exterior I could be so twisted???? I mean..how can I speak in tongues in church if I have to remain silent.... always a battle....always a battle...

  4. I got some interesting results:

    Roman Catholic 75%
    Neo orthodox 75%
    Emergent/Postmodern 75%

    I think this is too funny! I *knew* I didn't fit anywhere!

    To shift through the tie, the site asked me to rank three questions:

    1. Karl Barth's theology is hugely important.
    2. Older churches are unintelligible to modern people.
    3. It is right to baptize infants.

    Since I picked #3 as "most true" they put Catholic at the top of my list. If I'd gone with Karl Barth (my theologian, if you remember), Neo orthodox would have been on top. And I guess if I'd picked #2, I'd be a solid Emergent/Postmodern. ;-)

  5. To my complete and utter amazement, my scores suggest I am Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan. I guess hanging out in a Methodist church for 4 years has kind of rubbed off, huh? Gosh, I don't consider myself evangelical at all, and don't even know what Holiness is, in this frame of reference anyway.
    Thanks Jimbo-Tom

  6. Carrie,

    The quizzes are very short, for that reason, I do not believe we are going to come to a great divide over the results.
    Chris scored a 71% on Fundamentalist, but he is not a bible-thumping-anti-intellectual. He does believe Calvin is predestined to be at the right of Jesus, but other than that he is harmless.
    Lea experiences a vibrant walk with Jesus, but you would not find her chattering in tongues in a Sunday morning service, though 79% of the time she could interpret.
    From your results we see what I believe is the norm in Christian life, we are a bit of this and that.
    My list of friends and family would agree on 90% of the basics of Christian faith and practice, we might differ on small details that will not change anyone's place in heaven. It would be as if we were all invited to a party and we each made chicken salad. Each salad would be a bit different, but hopefully, each would contain chicken. Of course, mine would be the best and only recipe that should be used;-)

  7. Tom,

    Shelley took the test. She was a Wesleyan. Her childhood roots of Methodism have followed her to this day. You may not consider your self an evangelical, but is the classic sense of the word you would be. You believe in education and learning. You may differ in that you do not believe we need to use the scientific method to prove your faith and you would put much weight in your experience with God vs. a head full of knowledge. By todays standards, I agree, you are not, but you would not have fit in the liberal camp of the twenties and thirties either.

  8. Mine was:
    Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan---82%
    Neo Orthodox--------------------82%
    Reformed Evangelical------------68%

  9. Mine was almost the same as yours. The percents were a fraction different here and there, but the order was the same until we got to the end. I had Catholic at the end with the 21%. You just use bigger words. :):)

  10. Linda,

    The wee-bit of catholic just shows you probably have an appreciation for ritual. As the old saying goes...Everything that is old is new again. That explains a some of what is going on in the church today, the transition from the modern to postmodern age is causing many to long for the ancientness of our faith. Much of that ancientness is bound up in the traditional rituals of the Christain faith...
